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28 August, 2014

in love lately

(Follow the link behind the picture for brand info.)

  1. Absolutely adored this French romcom: 20 ans d'ecart (It Boy)

  2. Also completely over the moon about The Hundred-Foot Journey - next-level food porn. Charlotte Le Bon is so darling - she looks like the most perfect Bal Crillon débutante. Loved her in Yves Saint Laurent and The Stroller Strategy as well.

  3. Want, want, want all of the above.

  4. Marina Korosh has only written two articles for (the newly refurbished) Vogue.com & I am already in love. Thankfully babygurl has her own blog all about dating à la francaise to peruse.

  5. "‘Our Little Secret’ pulls inspiration from The Virgin Suicides, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, Britney Spears, The Craft, and the Knife." Listen here.

  6. The most perfect of playlists - like a groovier pick-a-Woody-Allen-movie soundtrack.

  7. Not prepared to let go of summer just yet (mainly because it was over before it began), but these 8 Classic Fall Films should help me transition.

  8. In love lately with: Charlotte Rampling, Carine Roitfeld's Irreverent, Daphne Javitch, Camille Rowe, Reformation, The Edit, Ashley Olsen, Charlotte Le Bon

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